Friday, November 29, 2013


It comes in small pieces, night by night, leaking into my dreams from the place beyond sleep. Yes, I'm talking about inspiration. In the downtime between lengthy random exposition I see my self posting a great deal about the various things that inspire me and all artists in general. At one point in my life I would probably have attributed every interesting thought of mine to a single individual, and even gone so far as to discredit myself for all my creative accomplishments. In reality I've been able to carry on writing and drawing without excessively turbulent emotion or ridiculous self deprecating notions, so I'm lead to believe otherwise in regards to my theory about a singular female inspiration. 
  Trust me, I'm well beyond that. I hope. So where do I draw my imagery, plot and passion for writing? Your guess is as good as mine. A good starting point is music, although I'd say it acts as more of a catalyst for creative prowess rather than a wellspring. I'm sure at least  some of you involuntarily envision touching stories in conjunction with the music, oftentimes tragic, ironic, surreal love stories?  No? What about framing an appropriate music video to coincide with the lyrics? That's a more common practice, So I've heard. When I write, I stick to music without lyrics for the most part, but when I think about writing it's with almost euphoric delight that I soak in the words to every song I can absorb. Although I am partial to a few sub-genres in particular, I  strive to take in as much of the world's repertoire as possible. 
  Now, a few of you may recognize that not all music is created equal, and you're entirely right. But without fail, in one way or another, all music shares or expresses a human story, even if it's not explicitly about an interpersonal struggle. It all shares a bit more perspective,  and for now that's what passes for inspiration in my mind- Peek or hints at how other living beings perceive the world. All of this is subject to sudden drastic changes of heart, so feel free to point out how my rants about inspiration and the attainment of inspiration evolve. 

Monday, November 18, 2013

Character Sketch: Ivy

A mysterious amnesiac entrusted to Tatyana, Ivy is at first curious but helpless in the maelstrom of events unfolding around her.  

Full Name: Unknown ( Goes by Ivy)
Born: Unknown (She appears a to be late in her adolescence)
Skin: Pale
Hair: Dyed black with light blonde roots
Eyes: Green
Height: 165 cm (5’5”)
Weight: 56 kg (124 lbs.)
Physique: Fragile, scarred

Posture: Astute

Without having to memories to relate to us, Ivy is driven by two things: A thirst to discover her past, and a startling compassion for all other human beings. She derives her name from the numeric designation engraved into her skin. A razor thin set of markings reading "IV" etched into her hand mark her as something other than an ordinary person. Her blank past gives her all sorts of fascinating takes on life, she actively acknowledges the beauty and darkness of Shaar with unprecedented serenity. It's evidently in her nature to be caring and nurturing despite her initially overwhelming situation. Waking up with a "fresh start" is how she put it, and while she's able to rationalize away her predicament of amnesia relatively quickly, her compassionate nature and new role as Tatyana's protege win her a new set of challenges right away.
With her I'm sure to spend a great deal researching amnesia and possibly first-aid. The thing about Ivy is she, with her "fresh start" and generally positive attitude, is bound to be a first person narrator for the other characters throughout her chapters, which makes sense. I think she'll provide an unbiased or at least optimistic outside perspective on the war and Aaron and Zayra's relationship, among other things. But at the same time, I want to take her higher than this. She is, after all, another individual, and even without memories she experiences and learns and acts on impulse or emotion like we all do. I'm challenging myself to see how much I can develop her character while preserving her starting innocence and curiosity. Going over the first six characters in my head all week, I think Ivy's going to be rather popular, once you see her in action.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Character Sketch: Alexei Rykov

   Sworn to carry out the darkest deeds of the Deltoran royal family, Alex should be by all rights a very formidable antagonist. A cold, cunning spymaster with nothing to gain by sparing his latest targets... And yet...

Full Name: Alexei Vladimir Rykov
Born: Herak 8th, 5990
Skin: Pale (scared)
Hair: Silver
Eyes: Dark-Blue
Height: 187 cm (6’2”)
Weight: 89 kg (197 lbs.)
Physique: Muscular

Posture: Unassuming

Veteran agent of the Okhrana (the Deltoran Imperial Secret Police) and current director of the Special External Affairs Ministry, Alexei is no innocent youth like our other characters. Make no mistake, this man has deceived and destroyed countless people all in the interests of treacherous leaders and imperial expansion. Little is know of his past before the Deltoran Civil war, and his service record before being appointed head of the SEAM is remarkably hard to find. We do know that he spent a great deal of his life as a field agent before working for the secret police and becoming spymaster. As an accomplished and naturally powerful wizard, it's often speculated that he's entered into a contract with a secretive demon, although this remains a rumor among the few that are close enough to the throne to even know of him.
Although sworn to obey the commands of the Queen, by the start of Overture we find Alexei freshly inspired to begin taking his own course of action to ensure the survival of his nation. During his assignment to the Okhrana he once held a lengthy conversation with the adolescent princess of Deltora, Ashley Voltacore. While he hides his emotions and motivations from the world extremely well, it's clear that afterward an uncharacteristic notion of purpose had formed in his heart.
Distanced and hardened to the world, he only appears as what he wants to be seen as at first sight. A charming negotiator, a brutal murderer, and stealthy shadow. In front of his superiors he manages to be equally unreadable, seemingly loyal and treacherous at the same time. "A born spy, with no concern for his own life" in the words of Queen Elaine. Certainly a frightening character to comprehend, he's gone about his line of work killing and lying without a second though for decades. Oblivious to the weight of his sins, he's now almost naively drawn into some new ideal, although damned if I know what he's up to. By the time the Queen dispatches his to investigate an Egalitarian terrorist leader's return to Greater Shaar, it's already clear enough that the cogs of conspiracy are in motion in his mind. But does he seek revenge, redemption, or reform? And although his methods may be far more mystic and murderous than Tatyana's he's faced with the same problem in his wild schemes: What can one man accomplish?
As a character I wanted to try to tap into the viewpoint of an evil henchmen but it certainly got away from me. He plots against his masters and makes secret vows to people he once knew, and what can I do to stop him? At the very least, things will certainly become more interesting. Just because he's secretly devising rebellion doesn't mean he'll get along with our Egalitarian friends or separatist princess any better than you'd expect.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Demons 101

Spirits, gods, devils, angels, and demons all refer to the only other beings to use magic on Shaar. It was misunderstood that they might all have been separate species based on their actions and behaviors (I.e. Chaotic demons seen as devils, neutral ones as spirits, benevolent ones as gods) but this has long since been scientifically disproven. See, as you’ll remember from the calendar post, it’s 6009 H.E. or Human era. Before this Era was the terribly bleak Demon Epoch, in which humans scarcely survived in small tribal societies, at the discretion of the demons which became deities or guardian spirits in man's eyes. This existence was brutal for mankind.
Out of unprecedented generosity (or sheer laziness) a few demons gave humans their own limited magic abilities, often through possession but sometimes by creating human/demon hybrids (through various methods, all of them being equally upsetting) who held fractions of their demon parent's power.
Physiologically, demons are trans-dimensional beings unbound by space and time. Through some twisted evolutionary process they are however bound to ideas and symbols. Being imbued with immense arcane abilities from their hatching, they rarely are seen in their natural shape. It is rumored to be an insect-like form, with segmented bodies and serrated fangs, but this has proven difficult to prove. Demon's lives span aeons, and their births are infamously random and spontaneous. Even after the gift of magic to mankind, demons had been able to posses any living thing and pervert its form or control its actions. This made any resistance or misstep by humans easily punishable.
Although Demons are not omniscient or omnipresent, their indifference to distance and ability of invisibility (to the naked eye, that is) made widespread fear their conquering tool in securing Shaar as their personal eden during the Demon Epoch. Being trans-dimensional, demons are able to traverse the entire universe freely, but it is only on Shaar- they claim- that their powers fully function. They really had created paradise for themselves, with Shaar as the hub of the demon race they presumably plied the galaxy freely, and toyed with life at will. Shaar was certainly very chaotic, environmentally, as it had always been, but it was also more diverse and lush. Most modern depictions of demons show them frolicking in fire and volcanism, but recent fossil evidence shows that they undoubtably used their magic to foster rich varieties of flora and fauna, as well as manipulating the evolution of many of the magically inclined non-sentient beasts known as monsters. Modern oceans are still filled with many relics of the Demon Epoch.
This demon golden age ended within a century of the first recorded human wizard. The proliferation of witches and wizards was massive, and with thaumaturgy being genetically inherited, there was an unprecedented amount of humans willing to rebel against their guardian spirits and local deities, as well as tribes who dared venture into the vast expanses of wilderness and take on every monster and native god of the wilds. For reasons still unclear to humans, a minority faction of demons joined various human tribes in their fight for independence. It's long been thought that without this demon civil war mankind would have been driven extinct for its rebellion, but demonic logic remains a mystery to human theorists, and despite the fact that they could have easily sided with their own kind and wiped man out for good, they did not.
The official end of the Demon Epoch came when a band of primitive Greater Shaarian warriors came across an enraged volcano god and found themselves immune to its possession. The discovery of this mutation, now called the M Sequence, lauded the start of massive waves of human migration and rebellion in all regions of the world. This mysterious mutation is genetically linked gene similar to those infused into the human genome by demons, but its appearance is unprecedented. The dark ages that followed gave rise to the first major human civilizations, and the dawn of agriculture and metalworking came about in the time between the end of the Demon Epoch and the start of the modern calendar. By H.E. year 1, hundreds of miles of wilderness and thousands of species of monster and animal had been obliterated. This gradual clearing of the surface of Shaar was painstakingly slow at first, with every forest and mountain guarded viciously by its native demons, as well as the beasts bred there. With the invention of weapons and traps almost all humans could join in the struggle for land.
Today, most demons reside in the ocean. Its high acidity and immense pressure dissuade most humans from venturing there. Seeing as most of Shaar's surface is covered in water, the demons do not see the rise of mankind as a loss of "their" world, but rather a tragic despoilment of the upper biosphere. Demons born after the start of the Human Era have their own views on mankind's place, and each conducts them self as they see fit. Fiercely individualistic, demons have no known nations or families, and only one need in their lifetimes. Being bound to ideas, their reproduction depends on the proliferation of their natural idea. Hence, a forest spirit will fight to preserve its forest, while a greed demon will sow greed in the hearts of humans to ensure a home for its eggs.
Their behavior is just as unpredictable as always, with some living in perfect harmony disguised as humans, and others conducting fierce attacks from the sea. They do seem to identify with witches and wizards better, however, perhaps due to their shared ancestry. A common relationship between a human and demon is the Blood Contract, in which a human offers a part of itself (symbolically, as demons have no real need for food) and in return enlists the powers of the demon for a specified purpose or period of time. Like spells, however, these contracts are prone to poetic irony, with demons gladly willing to twist the words of their contracts for or against their contractors for pleasure.